9 Words

9 Words, 9 Winners, 9 Dragons

We held a contest and gave away 9 personally inscribed and signed copies of Nine Dragons to the 9 people who wrote the best 9-word sentence about Harry Bosch.  Here are the winners, in no specific order:

“Hieronymus Bosch depicted monsters, while his namesake pursues them.”
—Dan Latter

“Bosch, the last coyote, never forgets the lost light.”
—Steven Braun

“Harry Bosch ate Chuck Norris for breakfast without milk.”

“Harry Bosch thinks to himself, ‘What a Wonderful World.’”
—Liz and Dave Smith

“Harry Bosch, ever in the narrows, searching for truth.”
—Eddie Spencer

“Like a dark angel, Harry speaks for the dead.”
—Carol Carlson

“Harry Bosch has no time for stupid Internet contests.”
—Martin Marier

“More darkness than light, Harry Bosch dreams in jazz.”
—Nancy Holladay

“Bosch is the cop I want investigating my murder.”
—Glenn Kraemer

We held a second “9 Words, 9 Winners, 9 Dragons” contest, this time specifically about the book. This time around, we asked for the best 9-word review of the book. And here are the 9 winners.

“Harry’s Bullet will forever remain etched with Eleanor’s name”
— Codi Vernon

Nine Dragons: Like Bosch, the story never stops moving!”
— Angela and Eric Juline

“The darkness found her, Bosch realized he wasn’t invulnerable. “
— Melissa Reed

“In Nine Dragons, Bosch suffers loss while finding renewal.”
— Phil Melton

“Love lost, daughter found, redemption claimed in Nine Dragons.”
— Gwen Alexander

“Death brings Harry Bosch new life in Nine Dragons.”
— Rod Kopycinski

“In 9 Dragons, a new chapter begins for Harry.”
— Michelle Yamanaka

“Bosch leaves the city of angels to battle dragons.”
— Dale Matsuoka

Nine Dragons, two worlds, one devastating lie – Connelly’s best.”
—  Catherine Howard